
When your average artist starts a quest for aesthetic knowledge, you're under the impression that you'll become the master of just one simple area of study.

graphic designers are now photographers, typography gurus, video editors, web designers, or the “Mr. Fix-It with bubble gum and glue” type of individuals
— Me

Everyone imagines that after years of tutelage you'll be the next Rembrandt or at the very least a fountain of knowledge on your particular medium of choice. This is not the case most of the time.

After obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts with a Concentration in Graphic Design from Old Dominion University, I realized (however abruptly) that graphic designers are no longer pigeon-holed into making pretty pictures on scraps of paper. Instead, we find ourselves being the jack-of-all-trades in the office; graphic designers are now photographers, typography gurus, video editors, web designers, or the "Mr. Fix-It with bubble gum and glue" type of individual who can not only create images out of thin air, but take captivating photos, illustrate ideas for clients, and utilize source-code to deliver striking and interactive web design.

I've learned how not to stick to just one field of expertise. It has been liberating to not categorize myself into one creative classification. It is with this freedom that I've been able to mold myself into a better artist, as a whole.



Here are some of my favorite brands I had the pleasure of working on recently.